Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Taking over Tears of Crimson Today

10 Nights is CLIMBING up the US Amazon Charts! 

Before I start talking about rankings, let me just say that I had to go check the calendar to make sure no one was scheduled to post as a guest today.  Since I wasn't bouncing anyone off, I had to share with you the latest rankings for our book!  

#1,684 Paid in Kindle Store 
#2 in Books > Literature & Fiction > Drama > United States
#3 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Fiction > Drama > United States

I don't normally do the whole first person thing at Tears, because as our friends know, it's not just my website.  Tons of great folks have helped make Tears of Crimson what it is today, and I like to include each and every one of them when we do our posts here.  Who would have thought that some chick from Rockford, Alabama could meet so many great folks and then have them care about what she was saying?  Definitely not me!  Ask me if I'm not humbled every single day by the amazing comments, and friendships I've made here!  I'm am beyond humbled.  

Mr. Jones and I started 10 Nights with a hope and a dream, and we are both so blown away at how folks have responded.  I've had people ask me what I'm getting so excited about, you still aren't in the top 100 overall?  Well let me just say that I'm extremely thankful about where we've been able to take this book.  I've heard of authors complaining when their book made it to number two, and not number one and that just amazes me.  There are SO many incredible books out there!  To have our book considered as worthy enough to make it this high in the charts, to me that's an amazing privilege!

I talk to authors every single day that have incredible books for sale.  Each one of those authors has poured their hearts and souls into their work.  We are all writers attempting to share our love of words with the world.  Each and every one of those authors deserves to be a #1 bestseller in my opinion.  All I'm saying is, thank you for allowing 10 Nights to go as far as it has, and I'm so very grateful.  


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