Thursday, January 3, 2013

Tears of Crimson Updates

As most of you know it's been a little insane around the Tears of Crimson Mansion for the last month, but hopefully (fingers crossed) things are getting back to normal.  We're in the middle of the Forbidden Desires tour (January 1-10) with the debut of the second book in the series, Beyond 10 Nights.  And I know I missed another tour because of personal family issues that always have to come first for me.

Currently, we are working on book three for the Forbidden Desires series, book three of the Tears of Crimson Vampire series, and a new book that's a new subject for us Sci-Fi Romance.  So as you can see we are definitley keeping on our toes around Tears of Crimson!

We didn't get a chance to wish all the Friends of Crimson a Happy New Year, so Happy New Year!  We hope that 2013 is our best year ever and  look forward to sharing some incredible new things with all you wonderful folks!  Our calendar had to be cleared after November 24,2012 for all guest posts, but this is open again after the last blog date tour of January 10, 2013.  One of the things we love doing most is sharing new books and entertainment venues with our friends here.  We do ask that if you submitted books or entertainment venues that didn't get a response, that you resend them now.

We hope you'll take the time to stop in and like Beyond 10 Nights on Amazon,  each time you click like it helps us get the word out to more readers.  100 likes gives us more visibility on Amazon, and you have no idea how much that helps with their categorization.

Thank you again for helping us spread the word about what we're doing here at Tears of Crimson.  It's incredible people like you that allow us to keep doing what we love!

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