Tuesday, February 17, 2015

R.M. Simone - Guest Host 10-11 Tears of Crimson Debut

R.M. Simone

Author of Gothic Gates 10-11 AM Host

Tears of Crimson is excited to welcome R.M. Simone to the Tears of Crimson debut.  Remember you can chat live with R.M. for the next hour at https://www.facebook.com/events/941586775981926/992302007577069/

Roshandra   warmly writing on 

http://booksbyroshandra.webs.com/   Secondary WEBSITE with MUSIC to BOOKS

BIO:  My life is all around this creativity of writing, teaching, healing, and opening up realms of light for those that are drawn to 'me' and my services along with this creative life I live.

My 'writing' came to me naturally.  It just happens to 'FLOW" for me and the dreamy worlds I seem to 'see into'.  I discovered in 2008, that a series of four books wrote themselves about a woman that her pathway of spirit opened up for her.  Leaving a normal and very happy life for this adventure that drew her into other realms.  I finished the books, sat back, and realized it was very much about myself.  Writing it I did not realize that as often the 'writer and the story' weave from the author's own experience, imagination, dreams and wishes along with a message that felt it had to be expressed.  I work a lot with VISUAL imagery and ART.  This opens doors into other realms for myself to share to the reader the story or adventure I am taking them on with 'me'.

Steamy, Sensual, Sumptuous series by Author R.M.Simone'

A Modern GOTH Romance weaving into a CLASSIC Gothic back story.
The first book in this series is a Novella SHORT STORY packed with intrigue, fast paced, fascinating introduction to key characters and a romance in a style only a leading immortal male of another time can bring. 

Dante's world is his Goth enterprises. He sits on a Board Meeting group of immortals balancing the light dark business world of enterprising men in this now time. He is the 13th member and a Master Mind Chess strategist. 

Samantha is a modern young woman, feet on the ground and this GOTHIC SOIREE' door opens meeting HIM. 

Steamy, fast entrance into this world of Dante's and the Romance of a Life time. 
each of the books are set in KEY real time locations. This is a grounding force of these unique characters and how this love story unfolds. 

Who is this man? 
What is the Board Meeting group? How does this woman move with her emotional opening of her own Heart of hearts? Read on... 

Roshandra, warmly writing on   Author R.M.Simone’
From GOTHIC GATES by R.M.Simone'   BOOK I
     The rapture of being around him flooded my senses, making me hunger for things I never desired before.    Samantha Devon's thoughts on Dante'

Gothic Gates Venice, Falling Into Love by R.M.Simone'
GOTHIC GATES grab a few books for CHRISTMAS...open the GATE
Steamy, Sensual, Sumptuous series by r.m.simone'..
GOTHIC GATES by R.M.Simone' on Facebook:
 Follow R.M.Simone' on TWITTER::: https://twitter.com/roshandrasbooks 


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