Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Happy #WW to all my Author Friends!

Sending out some love from Alabama to all my writer friends on this incredible Writer's Wednesday!   What other job in the world allows you to spend all  your time daydreaming and actually getting paid for it?  I hope the Amazon God's have been smiling down on you this month and no one has suffered the Brown Bar of Shame!  We all know for an author there is nothing worse than that chocolate covered curse!

Sin is hanging on to its bestseller status in Coming of Age and New Adult and College.  Thank you to the Tears of Crimson Friend's for continuing to spread the word.  As always, my mind is geared toward the next book.  If I've discovered nothing else in this crazy world of  publishing, it's that you have to keep writing!

I read an article the other day about this author who only wrote one book a year and all I could think was how lazy!  That and this author must be making some serious money off one book if that's all she's doing.  For the majority of us we need to keep sharing our dreams if we hope to make a career out of this.  On the flip side to that article, I read about Jasinda Wilder.  I may be off on the numbers and correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't you put out 20 books in six months between her and her husband?  The truth is we live in a now world, in my opinion, where the next thing to catch someones interest  changes like the wind.  Write books and don't stop!

I've put out three books this year:  Angela's Salvation, Romance Book Club, and Sin.  I hope to at least have two more by the end of 2013.  That to me is the real life scenario of being a writer in today's keep up with demand world!  I'll make one more reference to that former article about the one book a year; I believe it was about the quality being affected.  Actually I disagree completely.  I think if you have a mind that never shuts off the ideas you could write tons of books in a year.  I don't like when people generalize everyone into their mindset.  Did you notice?

Self-Publishing has changed the world of books forever.  With 25% of sales (it could be more) coming from self-published authors, I think it's safe to say that we have proven we can hang with the big boys.  Romance, if I had to make a guess, probably accounts for a majority of that 25% .  What a great time to be a Romance Author!  Where else in the world can you sit on your butt in front of a computer and still make a great income?  Amazon has definitely afforded me the opportunity to stay at home for the last two years, and believe me when I say I'm grateful!

People told me it was a pipe-dream when I started this crazy adventure.  Guess I picked the right brand of smoke?  Seriously though, never let anyone tell you something can't be done.  Negativity is right up there with generalizations in my book.  The only person that can choose your destiny, outside of the readers if you're a writer, is YOU!  My husband is the worlds biggest realist, even he has had an attitude change about this fantasy dream of writing books.

Have a great Writer's Wednesday folks!  Just remember to keep on writing and never give up!

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