Friday, October 28, 2016

Let's Talk Kindle Scout

- From the Kindle Scout Page - 

How it Works: Kindle Scout is reader-powered publishing for new, never-before-published books. It’s a place where readers help decide if a book gets published. Selected books will be published by Kindle Press and receive 5-year renewable terms, a $1,500 advance, 50% eBook royalty
rate, easy rights reversions and featured Amazon marketing.

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Browse new, never-before-published books.
Every book has 30 days to earn your nomination. Authors are submitting new books all the time so check back often.

Nominate your favorites.
When you discover a book that you think is great, nominate it and the book will be added to Your Nominations panel. Keep up to three books nominated at a time, and update your nominations whenever you want.

When a book’s 30-day campaign ends while in Your Nominations panel, your nomination is tallied and removed from your panel - freeing up that nomination for another book. You will receive an email to let you know whether your book has been selected for publication.

Enjoy Free Books.
As a thank you from us and the authors you support, you will receive an early, free copy of all the Kindle Scout books you nominated that are published. Continue to champion the books and authors you helped bring to life by leaving reviews and sharing with friends.

Personal Observations from Michelle Hughes

So what does that means to the author?  30 days of pre-publicity even if your book is not chosen to receive a publishing account.  $1500 advance if it is chosen.  Either way, it's a win/win situation. Let's face it, marketing in today's over saturated book market is like pulling teeth.  Any advantage you can get to have your books seen, is worth considering.  75% of my book sales come from Amazon, as I'm sure a majority of authors do.  The better questions is why wouldn't you attempt to have your book included in the program, especially if you're already part of the Kindle Unlimited program, or plan on going that way?

Whether your book is a stand-alone, or the first book in a series, I think this is a great way to get your book out to readers that you may miss by excluding it.  So what are the drawbacks?  Waiting 45 days to self-publish your book if it's not chosen (but I look at that as a way to get pre-marketing done, which you should have been doing anyways to pump your readers up), and 50% of royalties instead of 70% (which is actually better for those people pricing at 99 cents instead of 2.99 or greater).

That's my take on the Kindle Scout Program, and please take the time to read more about it on their site with the link listed at the beginning of this post.  Don't forget to look at Cowboy Sanctuary there and nominate it, if you think it's a book you'd love to read.  After all, if you vote and I win, you get that book free, and that's something I don't offer normally. Here's that link:

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