I just handed off Through His Eyes to the editor, and wanted to touch on the subject of the book which deals with voyeurism. For those of you that might not know, voyeurism is receiving pleasure through watching others. Cade Stellan is the main character in the new story, and I came at this through his inability to touch or be touched. I don't want to give the impression that everyone who enjoys voyeurism has issues like this, but for Cade it was the only way he could enjoy sexuality.
Imagine a life where you could only find pleasure by watching it happen to someone else. Touch is something that we as human beings normally thrive on. It's also how we show our feelings to a partner. From birth we are shown that even infants respond better to the world around them when they are held. In Cade's world touch is forbidden and doesn't give him the same feelings it would a healthy person. So how can he show his emotions to a partner? And in retrospect how would a partner deal with someone they loved when they would never feel their touch?
For Cade he wanted his partner (Eden) to have all the experiences that he couldn't give her. He meets a young woman that has no physical experience with passion, and encourages her to live out his desires while he looks on. I've tried to put myself in the position she was in, and I'm not sure I would have the capacity to make my partner happy if that involved finding pleasure at another persons hand. While the heart, I believe, can live without physical intimacy, I can't imagine it's easy. Obviously there are couples that manage to maintain a relationship after issues like erectile dysfunction and such take place. Still craving your lovers touch while being denied would put a strain on any couple.
What are your opinion on this? I'd be very interested in learning how you think you would cope if the love of your life could no longer please you physically. Cade's book will release soon, if you'd like to read about his adventure you can add the book to your goodreads list here: Through His Eyes - Fantasy Isle This will be the first book in the Fantasy Isle series, but I will say each book can be read as a stand alone.
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