Sunday, August 12, 2018

#UnsilenceYourVoice - A Special Blog Edition From Tears Of Crimson

This is a special blog edition from Tears of Crimson, dedicated to every woman that has been affected by sexual abuse.  I don't like to be labeled, so I don't consider myself a survivor or a victim.  I'm a woman who has known the terror of being affected by rape and a sexual predator.  We are all different, but if you've been sexually assaulted, we have one thing in common.  That is the understanding of what it feels like to have your body violated and the aftermath of dealing with that crisis.  Each of us deals with that reality in a different way.  Some of use go after our abusers, and find justice in having them pay for their crimes.  Others hide what they've been through and deal with life long issues of fear and inadequacy.  Then there are those that have told their story and been denied the justice they so rightly deserve because the system is inherently flawed.  I'm sure there are many other ways that we as woman have tried to deal with this atrocity against or bodies, but only your story can bring that to life.

There have been many campaigns to help women feel empowered about sharing their story, and I have great respect for those strategies. The truth is, I don't think this topic can be covered enough.  Until the day when a woman who comes forward is met with understanding and not judged by what she was doing to "make this act" happen, we have to keep fighting.   Never should a woman be asked what she was wearing, what type of relationship she had with the abuser, or how could she have prevented this from happening.  It's an insult to all women that we are put in the situation that this is inherently somehow our fault and we have to prove our innocence against the sexual predators that violate our bodies.  In fact, that should be reversed and the person accused of any sexual abuse should be the one that should be forced to prove how he wasn't responsible.

Come forward and share your story.  #UnsilenceYourVoice is the Tears of Crimson campaign that's goal is to empower women to continue fighting against the male-orientated thinking that women are responsible for being sexually assaulted.  I'd like to share some of the horrifying truths to what women have been put through by speaking out about what happened to them.  It's my greatest hope that you're as disgusted as I am and are willing to help change this.

Star Tribune - Women Denied Justice This is Star Tribunes review of more than 1,000 sexual assault cases, filed around the state in a recent two-year period and the lack of justice for these women.

Statistics from RAINN are disturbing! "Out of every 1000 instances of rape, only 13 cases get referred to a prosecutor, and only 7 cases will lead to a felony conviction."

Palm Beach Rape Kits 994 examined with no arrests.  "Several suspects in those cases went on to get arrested in other rapes while the kits containing their DNA collected dust. "


Daily Beast States: ‘No Justice at All’: Class-Action Lawsuit Says Austin Officials Failed Female Rape Victims.

ABC news in AU describes how "How the justice system lets sexual assault victims down."

The Walrus gives this account of "Why Many Women Can't Get Justice From Sexual-Assault Trials."

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