I lured author SJ Byrnes into the Tears of Crimson Lair to find out what she's working on and have to say that I discovered an incredible lady with amazing talent. Pull up a bar-stool and get to know this incredible author and discover a rare hidden treasure.
TOC: When you write, what fuels that creative urge to keep you motivated to finish?
The characters are what motivate me - literally! They will chat up a storm in my head when they think its time for me to be writing. I want to give them their voice - let their story be told.
I never know what is going to flow through and that is exciting.
TOC: Are there any books that really impacted you, and if so what are they and why?
The Outlander series had the biggest impact on me. I read the first book back in 1991 - got a 1st Edition Outlander hardback out of the Waldenbooks $1 bin!!! Yea, I still have it - got it signed by Diana Gabaldon to ME at the Grandfather Mountain Highland Games several years back. She wanted to make sure I knew it would decrease its value, but I won't be getting rid of that book! To have something that wonderful signed from a brilliant author to an Indie Author just blows me away! I also fell in love with Scotland from those books - who didn't?! It took me another 17 years to find my way to Scotland but when I did, it was all I had hoped and more - it stole my heart all over again and is home to me. Thank you Diana for giving me that gift!! (have always wanted to thank her!)
TOC: As an author we all fear that dreaded bad review. How do you cope with bad reviews that you feel are unwarranted?
Oh that is a dozie! Like every other aspect in life, there are those who love to do nothing more than bring people down. That is what these reviews are all about. It's not about how good the book really is - story line or grammar - it's about putting someone down. Every author who starts making good sales can expect to have these reviews - look up Anne Rice and Stephen King, they got um too! I try to remind myself this is not a personal attack, no matter how much it feels like one. If I can keep my sense of humor about it, I'm golden. A group of writers I'm very close with have decided that when we get that dreaded review, we will go to the pages of mega successful authors and read their nasty reviews and feel better for it! Although writing most times is a solitary experience, we are not alone. =)
TOC: Do you base your books on real life experiences or try to stretch outside that limitation?
Mmmm, yes to both. The best fiction is drawn from real life experiences and cannot be made up! Though I have to say, the bits pulled from my life are small moments - actions that give the writing more depth and realism.
The heavy situations, the tragic heart-breaking moments, they are not mine; they belong to the characters.
TOC: What has been the most rewarding experience of becoming an author?
Holding the proof copy in my hands - I cried that day. My Butterfly was 5 years in the making, but getting published is a goal I've been manifesting for 18 years.
TOC: I have to ask, what has been the single most frustrating part of being an author?
Procrastination! We all deal with it, let it get in the way of our hearts desire - to be writing! I can sit down with all the intention in the world that I am going to write and find myself blindsided by
procrastination - emails, Facebook, Twitter, marketing plans, writers groups, texts from loved ones...you name it, it'll stop you if you let it!
TOC: What projects are you currently working on, and when will they be available?
My daughter Alex and I have teamed up on a couple of pieces. The biggest being a new paranormal series. The first book is titled 'Once A Druid' and our goal is to have it published by Summer's end.
(if not sooner - procrastination BE GONE!)
TOC: Where can people find out more about you and your work?
I have a steady presence on Facebook and Twitter, they can also follow my blog - there is some great music there by The Piano Guys, I just love cello music!
TOC: Can you offer any thoughts of wisdom to new authors who are just starting out?
Swallow your fear and do it anyway!!! Get into a group, they can answer your questions and guide you through the Indie Process if that's the route you plan to take. Don't take no for an answer and believe in your writing!
You will always be your biggest cheerleader. =)
To discover more about this incredible author follow the links below! And thank you so much SJ, for visiting us at Tears of Crimson.
My Butterfly Book Blurb:
abusive marriage isn't all that uncommon; getting out of one after more
than fifteen years is. Every survivor has their personal way of coping,
Katherine uses her art to heal scars that refuse to fade. To be
completely free, she must face the dark secret of a disturbing desire
that was born within her destructive marriage.
Amazon Butterfly Link - http://amzn.to/MyBttrfly
SJ Byrne's Blog Page - http://sj-byrne.blogspot. com/
SJ Byrne's Blog Page - http://sj-byrne.blogspot.
My Butterfly Book Trailer - http://bit.ly/ MyButterflyUTube
Coming soon.... Once a Druid by SJ and Alex Byrne
A Druid book blurb
Amnesia, dark dreams of a former existence, a soul’s
path split in different directions; exactly what is Kirra Munro hiding from?
If you’re a fan of Karen Marie Moning, then you will
love Once a Druid
Good interview. Once A Druid sounds great to me. I love old myths and lore. Judith