Saturday, May 12, 2012

Tears of Crimson ...Thank you!

Thank you so much to everyone who came out and supported Tears of Crimson at the Spring Fling Free ParTay and Indie Book Blowout!  Thanks to your support not only did A Night at Tears of Crimson become a Kindle Best Seller, but so did Eternal Crimson!  It's been an incredible week and I just can't thank you enough for all the love and support.

I'm diligently working on the third novel in the Tears of Crimson Vampire Series, and can't wait to share it with you.  It's been a long three years trying to get this series in the public eye and finally seeing it on the #Vampire best-seller list on Amazon has definitely been worth it!

I would like to thank Tammie Gibb at Once Upon a Book Cover for her incredible revamping of the first book.  She did a phenomenal job and I can't wait to see what she does for Eternal!  A huge amount of gratitude to the Indie Book Collective and all their phenomenal work promoting not only my book but the other incredible authors involved in the Spring Fling Free ParTay.  This has been a wonderful adventure!

There is one  group of people that I would be lost without and I have to give some huge tears of love to all the FROGGIES.  When it comes to a support group, let me just tell you it doesn't get any better than these folks.  And to all the wonderful friends of Tears of Crimson who have been there when no one even knew what the Tears of Crimson Vampire Bar was... to you I give all my love.

I hope this incredible journey continues, and we see this series explode.  Regardless, I've had an incredible time sharing my dreams and couldn't ask for a nicer group of people to share it with.


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