Tuesday, June 2, 2015

WIRN Author Nook Show - Where Authors and Radio Come Alive

WIRN Internet Radio is proud to present our new authors nook channel here on talkshoe... please join us to learn about writing, reading, publishing books... Most importantly come meet the authors of various genres as they talk about their books, their writing styles and their favorite genres... Come one come all... and invite you're friends.

Discover more about the authors that write your favorite books by joining them on WIRN.  Get behind the scenes information about their work and the latest projects they're working on.  Call in and ask questions, and get to know your favorite writers.  At the Author Nook Show, radio host Joey Giggles (Joseph Aqulino) delves into the literary world, and brings out the hidden stories that most people never get to hear.

Joseph Aquilino (Joey Giggles)

My professional life has been filled with gaining knowledge on how businesses, especially retail businesses function and expand. Its also been a time of learning about myself and my abilities and how to expand and gain more knowledge to build on what I already know about leadership and structuring. In my life since St. John's University (1998 graduate) I've been in three industries, Government and Policy, Investment Banking and Retail. I've had about 8 eight different jobs in 10 years... but I must say that I learned something new to expand my knowledge at all these different jobs. I'm multi-talented and have a lot to offer, as I like to write, playing musical instruments, act, entertain, author, build networks and websites, create logos for companies, educate to public on social media.

Creator, along with the staff of JGF Entertainment, of the great 24/7 #music #news #shows network Author Nook Show on WIRN great place to market and promote your business or your entrepreneurial idea... 

I'm an internet entrepreneur and innovator... Creating is my life... I figured this out after my accident at work in 2008, which left me with RSD/CRPS a chronic pain disorder, which deals with the sympathetic nerve... The full name of the disorder is Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy and I'm an advocate for RSD/CRPS and RSD/CRPS patients... That is part of my legacy... one day I hope to make RSD a household name on Staten Island, but its all about the promotions and the awareness of the disease, because it is an unknown disorder and many people do not know about it. 

I also am the creator of the #JGF Family the most respected and influential family on the internet. I have a YouTube channel http://youtube.com/joeygiggles ... I'm the creator of Gigglestown Creations ... I'm the creator of the RSD/CRPS support network on Spruz http://rsdsupportnetwork.spruz.com.

To discover more about Joey:

Facebook:       https://www.facebook.com/joseph.aquilino/about
Blog Talk:       http://www.blogtalkradio.com/joeygiggles
Twitter:          www.twitter.com/joeygiggles
Media Page:   http://appearoo.com/josephaquilino
Giggle Town:  

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