It's only Mommy Porn if you allow people to criticize your work and not give you the respect you deserve for writing a great book that just happens to have an erotic flavor. I brought this up on Facebook last night and I'll bring it up here, being a literary snob does not make you a better writer or reader, it just means you're not willing to embrace that people may like books that don't revolve around a subject matter you approve of. Let me make this very clear, I'm a mother to five wonderful children, married and live in the heart of the bible belt. If you think there is anything I haven't heard when it comes to my writing in a negative light, well you're wrong. When I wrote vampires I was influenced by the devil (I'm not making this up, people said that) and now that I'm promoting the soon-to-be-released Erotic book, 10 Nights, I'm encouraging people to indulge in sinful sex. Seriously?
Anne Rice, Stephen King, JR Ward, and every other author that has a mainstream book out there probably didn't go out and murder people to write their books, or meet any real immortal vampires to tell a story. Tell someone you're writing an erotic book or ask them to help promote and find out what type of bias you'll deal with. It's amazing to me that even people in the business of SELLING books will say something along the lines of we don't promote Erotica. Really you don't? Then you're not in the business of selling books, cause take a look around you, Erotica is selling! And it's mainstream! Call Fifty Shades of Grey what you will even if it was marketed as contemporary romance, it's erotica.
I can promise you that Amazon has no problem taking your money and promoting books that call to the public and perhaps if you're offended by what other people consider great reading, you should reconsider what you're marketing all together? James might not have an issue with you calling a book Mommy Porn, since she was laughing all the way to the bank, but I find it insulting. I've read the books, I enjoyed them, and they were romance just in a different way than what we are use to seeing in the Contemporary Romance field.
I don't usually rant over things, if you look back through the Tears site, you'll not find one single time that I've ever protested. This issue has my dander up, and mainly because I find it utter stupidity that a style of writing be excluded from the main stream. Maybe I find innocent kids being murdered offensive so I should refuse to promote any book that talks about murder? I wonder how fast the public would be up in flames if I came out and called a detective story against my rights as a reader and should not be shown on any site where books are promoted?
Here's my stand on the entire Erotic field of writing. I live in Alabama, I am a mom of five kids, married, and if I can deal with all the books out there that I don't find to my personal preference, then others should be able to look at Erotica and do the same. Stop the insanity and support Erotic Writers as part of the mainstream. Don't exclude Erotica from being promoted because it offends you. Let the readers of a site decide what they want to read and give fair honest reviews that don't label a book you don't enjoy as something like Mommy Porn.
I agree with what you are saying. As an erotica reader, I can say that it gives my me time away from all hustle & pressure. Some of the most hard working, dedicated, & struggling Mommies need a little escape. A book is better than boozing it up or who knows what . To all the Mrs.Prudences... chillax :)
ReplyDeleteMichelle Hughes you Rock!
Thanks so much for the support! I love reading and writing erotic books, and paranormal and you wouldn't believe some of the comments I've gotten concerning my writing. I wrote this post after a friend commented that people were going to think I was cheating on my husband if they read this book. I seriously almost fell in the floor LOL. Anyone that knows me and my family would laugh at that statement, we definitely have our moments like most families, but me writing a book has nothing to do with our family values. I will continue to write and read the books I love, and anyone that thinks differently about me because of it, well seriously it's just their loss. We love our friends and family and would do anything to support them in any adventure they chose to embark on.
ReplyDeleteOh hey, I thought I was the only one who found the term "Mommy Porn" offensive and I'm not even a mom! I get so much crap for reading romance and erotica it's not even funny. I am labeled a slut, sexual deviant, horny female (and get treated to lewd comments), too stupid to read "real books" and desperate (I'm pretty sure I'm forgetting some but someone will remind me when they call me by that name).
ReplyDeleteI find it so hypocritical of people to target one genre or its audience when they're probably the ones most in need of a good erotic romance.
One of my problems is that MEN think that a woman who read romance or erotica is automatically fair game for harassment. Or bullying. The stories I could tell you about the bullying, I'm 27 and I get crap for what I read. Nevermind that my grade average in high school and college was better (and probably still is) than said bullies.
I'm going to link your post on my (beginning) blog ASAP. Thanks for sharing your opinion.
ReplyDeleteI truly am sorry that you've had to suffer through that as a consequence of your reading choices. I certainly don't understand why any type of book would cause such a reaction from people. I could say that I find it offensive (which I don't) that people that read about murder should be considered mentally unstable. I just don't understand the mindset behind this.
What you enjoy reading is a personal choice and you should not have to apologize for enjoying it. Take care of yourself and I am so glad you took the time to share your experiences with me and the readers here.