Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Candace LeRae - Guest Host Tears of Crimson Debut 1-2

Candace LeRae Cover Model for Tears of Crimson 1-2 Host

Tears of Crimson is excited to welcome Candace LeRae to the Tears of Crimson debut.  Remember you can chat live with Candace for the next hour at

Candace LeRae

We are so excited to have the talented and extremely sexy, Candace LeRae on the Tears of Crimson blog today. She was kind enough to sit down for an interview, and we hope you'll all show her some love by sharing.

As long time subscribers of Tears might know, Candace was the original face of Tears of Crimson when we debuted in 2009.  She's graciously agreed to work with us again as we get ready to release the ReVamped version of the original Tears of Crimson vampire Romance.  So please take a moment to get to know Candace, and feel free to leave comments.

Can you tell us a little bit more about how you originally got into modelling?

Oh, wow. Where do I begin? It was 2006 and I was 18 and we had just moved to Tampa. I needed a job somewhere close to my house at MacDill Air Force Base, somewhere I could work nights while I went to school and make good money.

I got a job at Hooters. I cannot tell you how nervous I was to start working there, but, hey, I needed a car! I was tired of taking Tampa public transport to and from school. Well, as you can imagine, pick-up lines came a dime a dozen. The most common was “you should be a model". That is what put the original idea into my head. I did some online searching for different talent agencies.

Most of it required head-shots for any application submissions. So, I had my first task. I looked around for photographers but everyone charge ridiculous amounts of money. I started searching for cash and came across a few websites with up-to-date listings for my area. I showed up to a few, got booked for runway shows, and the rest is pretty much history.

We've heard you did an independent movie?  Is that right?  Could you tell us a little more about that?

Yes, I was involved, however, very Minor, in a production called, " The Skyship Chronicles". Written and directed by Jeff Zampino and Christian Cashmir of Litewave Media. " Gustav, an evil scientist steals the inventions of a rival inventor. Victory turns to defeat as Gustav learns the inventions are useless without the power source, which the clever inventor has hidden.

30 years later, Adam, a young man from rural Kansas finds the power source while working at a post office. Upon opening the lead-lined box, two women appear from out of nowhere, and carry Adam off, just as Gustav's skyship appears.

After 30 years of hunting, Gustav is on the trail, and he will stop at nothing." I do believe it is still in the production stage and I am not sure of the release date. I do, however, know that it will be shown in Ybor City at a red carpet event when it is completed. You can check them out on Facebook; Litewave Media - Video Production.

Is it true you’re also an artist?

I would like to think myself an artist, albeit, an eccentric one. I love to work in pencil, acrylic, and clay the most but I also write, collage, diorama, crochet, so, make jewelry, perform alchemy, and the list could go on. I am very creative and tend to express it in any way I am mused at the time.

I saw on facebook that you also own a health food store.  How did that get started?

Yes, I opened a small home business called, “The Gaia Syndicate ", in 2003. I specialize in exotic fresh herbs, vegetables, and fruit. I also make organic teachers, oils, it mixes, and garden kit. I started it because I was sending out so many cultivars via various plant and seed swapping websites that I decided to centralize it.
I belong to quite a few online forums for plant and seed exchange and it is there that my eyes were opened to just how many people that do not have access to the "exotic" and often medically beneficial cultivars that I have been blessed with living in Central Florida. I decided to look online and see what was available so maybe I could help. Put people in the right direction.

 I was shocked at what I saw. Price gouging is all I can say. I was immediately heartbroken at the amount of people who are doing their best trying to live healthy by way of herbs and nutrition and were getting completely ripped off. I am talking about 200% mark ups, sometimes more depending on the cultivar. I opened a couple of quick online stores and began offering my wares at affordable prices. I was surprised at how high of a demand fresh fruit, vegetables, and herbs had online. The orders come in faster than I can stalk some days! I wish I had more time to dedicate to working on my website but I am in school 35+ hours a week until December 2014.

You’re a very busy lady!  What other projects do you have coming up in 2014?

Very busy indeed! 2014 is going to bring some major life changes for me. I will be licensed at the end of the year as a massage therapist. Hopefully my website will be up, running, and spreading the love of Gaia around. I am also working on a few undisclosed projects with a few photographers as well as a couple of art projects of my own.

If you had to choose just one goal that hasn’t yet come true for you yet, what would it be?

One goal, that hasn't come true to me yet is to become a holistic doctor. I finally decided to say, through it, and go for it. No matter how much of a quack people may think I am.

Are you open to doing other modeling or acting projects?  If so where do your interests lie in those fields?

I am absolutely open for other modeling and acting projects. I am so all over the map that there are few places my interests do not lie in those fields. I have to say, though, I am much more confident as a model or spokeswoman than as an actress. I still have that small self-conscious teenager part of me?

Where can we go to find out more about you?

To find out more about me, you can check out the awesome, " Candace LeRae " fan page Michelle has put together for all of you until I can make an appearance back on Twitter.

Are there any words of encouragement you’d like to offer to people considering a job in modeling, art, or acting?

The only thing I can say those hoping to get into the field is ACTION!! Because, that is what it takes. Success does not happen overnight and neither does an entertainment career or hobby! There are many web sites out there where you can setup your own portfolio and network with others in the industry; hair and makeup, designers, photographers, artists, producers, etc. is an easy place to start. You do not need professional pictures to start, just a few pictures that are an accurate representation of yourself in a good biography.

 Looks are awesome, but unless you're an a-lister, your personality is what books you gigs. As with any online site with ads and real people, be careful if you plan to meet. Always bring an escort I cannot stress this enough even for you guys out there. Oh, and most important. Self-confidence, it's the most attractive thing anyone can have. Don’t have any self-esteem? Fake it until you make it. You create your own reality, if you can dream it, you can have it.

Before you leave us, is there anything else you’d like people to know about you?
Before I go, I would like people to know that I am just like them, addicted to Tears of Crimson!

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