Saturday, November 26, 2011

A Day in the Life of Author Michelle Hughes

As a paranormal romance author you might think I wake up every morning with this incredible urge to start writing about my characters.  Let me just let you in on a little background of how my days begin.  My typical weekday starts off at 5 in the morning, I know some vampire I am right?  After getting the kids ready for the bus, which arrives at my house by six, I check in to twitter to see what's going on in the social media world.  While I'm bouncing around twitter trying to answer mentions I'm also multitasking with emails that I received the day before.

Believe me when I tell you how easy it is to spend HOURS of my day talking to my friends on twitter and letting the work pile up around me.  Each week we put together a different entertainment venue for the Tears of Crimson site, and let me just say without @KaitlinD_TOC that probably wouldn't be running as smoothly as it has so far.  Along with the website we have the blog which runs a continuum of the stories we start off on the official site.  The site and the blog are a full time job in themselves because they take an extraordinary amount of work to keep the content fresh.

While we're trying to keep the two sites going, Sarah and I are also trying to work on producing the second book of the Tears of Crimson Series, Eternal Crimson.  If you want to know what takes the backseat of late it's the writing which is the reason we're doing this to begin with.  I haven't even mentioned our facebook friends which have been sorely neglected of late.  We run two groups on facebook, Vampire Lovers and the Tears of Crimson Nightclub.  Some people have asked why the Tears of Crimson Roleplay group has come to a halt, well the reason is really simple!  It's impossible to manage all these tasks and write at the same time.

We also have the Google Group and a few other programs that we run on a daily business that I won't get into, but they take time like everything else.  What it all comes down to is that Tears of Crimson is a business, and it's growing more everyday.  If you had asked me six months ago did I have any idea how big it was going to become I would have laughed and asked what you were smoking.  I started Tears of Crimson as a hobby because honestly I was in the middle of nowhere and needed some entertainment in my life.  I had no idea that it would take off the way it has and I'm still struggling to keep up.

My former background was in music and I have to tell you it was much easier being a singer than trying to manage a business.  I think one of the reasons it was so much easier is because I had a manager that took care of all the details so all I had to do was show up and sing.  Tears of Crimson is growing out of my expertise level on a daily basis.  So for all you folks out there that think it's easy to write a book I would say, yes you're right.  But writing the book is the easiest part of this adventure by far.

I decided to self-publish because I didn't like the idea of someone telling me that my work wasn't marketable. Marketable wasn't my first consideration when I started to write and if anyone would like to tell me that Tears of Crimson isn't marketable now I'll be glad to show them differently.  This business has become like my best friend and my worst enemy at the same time.  Every single day there is a new challenge to defeat and new ideas to be explored.  If I'm lucky I might even make the deadline for the second book which is approaching faster than I had hoped.

Did I mention that while I'm trying to run this business there are five kids at home and my husband who would like to spend more time with his wife?  If you'd like to become part of the insanity at Tears of Crimson we're always taking interns!  I say interns because there's not a huge paycheck waiting at the end of the week.  Every person that works for Tears of Crimson does it out of the goodness of their hearts and because they believe in the message we're trying to share with the public.  If you want to talk about loyalty, you just don't get any better than that.  One day I hope that the Tears of Crimson series, and the accompanying products that will be forthcoming will be all the rage.  I'm sure all the folks that help make this company run would like a paycheck also!

So that's how my days run 24/7.  We never stop and we just keep on pushing.  For everyone that is a part of Tears of Crimson I want to give you my heartfelt thanks.  Sarah and I know without any doubt whatsoever that we would never be able to do this without great friends like you! 

1 comment :

  1. Michelle is right. We wouldn't have half the things done without the amazing people we have helping us. This all has been so much more than I ever expected. I absolutely love writing with Michelle and like she said its become second best right now. Unfortunately with everything going on in both our lives it's difficult. But I'm determined to make this deadline for you guys! I'm amazed at all the support we've received and can't wait to let you read what we've been slaving over!


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